Lets Run Facebook Ads: The Podcast

'Drop In Clinic' - Answering Your Facebook Ads Questions!

Nick Boddington Season 1 Episode 147

In this episode of Let's Run Facebook Ads, host Nick Boddington answers some Facebook Ad questions live! He shares expert insights on Facebook ad strategies, e-commerce funnels, lead generation, and email marketing. Whether you're looking to scale your business or fine-tune your ad performance, this episode is packed with actionable tips to help you maximise your results. Tune in now!


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Hello and welcome to Let's Run Facebook Ads, a podcast with myself, Nick Boddington. Here I share insider information about Facebook ads. But as you know, it's not just running the ad, it's what happens after. So we'll look into the funnels e-commerce, email marketing, lead generation and much, much more. Hi guys. Can I meet your guy? Very well, thank you. How are you? Thanks. Hi, Christine. I know how I do. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. You're this. You're you're in the in Australia. No, no, I'm in Cumbria. Oh, you know, I try to. We wish. I'm sure you know what? I'm sure when you join my buddy. But you know you need me, right? So where, like, January time? So. Yeah. Thanks for joining this. I'm doing this. I was I was a little bit late. I don't know if you guys are waiting. I basically, I couldn't find the zoom link system to set it up, so this is half now basically. Could be an hour. It could be an hour and a half depending on how many people turn up as I get busy. As you both know, the school's pretty new. So it's going to get busy. I might have to do more things, but we'll we'll adapt and change as we need to. But for the moment, we got half an hour. Let's let's go over any questions. So ladies first I guess. Oh. That's nice. Yeah. My scenarios. I'm just super new. And I'm the. I've been in contact with a couple of folks who work, like one man bands. Like, I've got a lady who's a coach, and, she's trying to get herself established into coach and her coaching business. I've got another lady. She's a fashion designer. She's trying to get started and so on. I just want to know what the, I could help them with. With Facebook ads. If they've got, like, no background, you know, if they just really brand shiny new. Both of these ladies have got, they've got websites, but they've only just launched them. The it kind of unknowns really. So can Facebook work for for complete newbies like that or do you really need to have the authority? You know, the reviews are all the rest of it. I don't want to talk them into Facebook ads and then not really be able to do anything for them. That would just be a no. Great question. I don't think you need anything as long as you've got a business page and you can have five people on it. You could run ads. For instance. I've got my podcast is quite big. I have like 100,000 people and it's been going for like four years. I have, I have like less than 200 on my Instagram. I have about 100 on Facebook. Beyond that, simply because I never push in those places. So I think the confusion is with a lot of people when they're starting out is like, where do I need to be? And you think it needs to be everywhere because there's a guru for everything. But podcast is where I get most of the people who've joined up. I mean, in the way that we've had the school Open Motorsport Podcast UK, I think Christine from an ad, is that right? Yes, I did, I did, I was that those ads launched at 3:00 yesterday afternoon. Have you looked at my link to my Instagram profile? No. There we go. I'm not really on Instagram, Gail NZ or Facebook if you look at my Facebook. Facebook and Facebook. Yeah. Have a look at your profile. No I haven't. Yeah I see. So that's that's a way of looking at. No one does. So we see an ad. Yeah. Hook attracts us to that ad. Yes to in the ad. Yes to to the ad. As long as they've got a good website and it's been it looks good or they've got even better than that landing page, which is easy for people to, to look at and go, or it goes to a calendar, whatever the technique is. You start somewhere and I would like nothing. You know, someone could go. It's all going to go, well, how do you go? 100,000 listeners if you've got like, hasn't even got to the people on Instagram. And sometimes I get a little bit like, oh, maybe I need to focus on that. But it is not it is not done any harm to my business growth. I'm running an agency whether I've got people on my Facebook and Instagram or not, and I actually saw some money there. There's a guy I follow on TikTok who has grown to probably like 20,000 followers, and he gives out Facebook advice, and he said, he put a post out the other day, which was like a carousel post where he said, I've been doing three videos a day, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then he said his results at the end, which was, I've had 11 prospects and one, three leads and one new client and I. So the amount of effort you need to do to grow 20,000 TikTok followers, that is for me, that's not a good result. Like, oh, I mean, you know, the exact amount of for you go into for that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've got a load of clients. So it's funny Christine, it's I mean we call that. Yes, yes, yes. At the moment I've got, I've got someone now in my team who's going to be pushing my content out more and more and more, but Tony, get them in a position now to have someone to do that for me, it's not doing my thing. Yeah, yeah. Well that's that's actually helpful. Tips on how to do Facebook ads. You sending that into those people and then you're going to be running them. Yeah. Well I've signed up with I've got an agency as like a, Portugal like white label. I've got white label agency who's going to do all the legwork for me. So. Yeah. But, I didn't, I didn't, I didn't want to. I'm so new to it. So I'm actually a primary school teacher, so all of this is really new to me. I didn't want to go promising people things. I didn't really understand whether they they're an appropriate person or not. You know, is it? Should I be looking for a cause? Obviously, I'm trying to find clients and should I be just going to. People who are established, have a team, have massive budgets or, or, you know, should I go to these one man vans? You know, I don't what what's your what's your take on that. What what's your advice? I have everything so I can see which does like enterprise cars rise and people like that. Yeah. Big spenders, big accounts. Yes. They need a lot of servicing. So the the negative to the negative to the agency world is, is usually an agency is having to over service a client. An agency a lot of the time loses money on a lot of clients because of the time to time thing. So if you're, if a, if you win a client and they pay you £1,500 a month and they're expecting from that 15 out like they would, well you would be saying you do 15 hours work for that the client and probably wanting 30 to 40 hours work. So it doesn't take very long before you'll are running around like blah lost flies with clients because they leave. So and then I've got the ads clinic where I have clients and have where I come onto a call and it's, based upon a time base nowadays for those skills, and that there's, there's loads of pros that at the end of the day, you need, just need to make sure that that that person's got money to pay for this. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, so to get my first client, what would you advise. Would you advise running ads and they just cover the ad spend and I, I'm just looking for reviews or what. What what would you suggest. You've got to start. So what I can charge client now is different. What I could charge client five years ago. So yes, I would. I've actually got legacy clients at the moment. So we used to charge 250 pounds a month and then run someone's ads for them. During the learning phase, you kind of think you're going to do a lot more time spent on that account trying to get it working, then you're going to charge. Yes. Once you've got the skills and you've got the name and you've got the names in your business that you're able to and people want to work with you, you can charge a lot more as long or as long as you're performing. Yeah. So I'm hoping that my, my label agency is going to be able to do all the performing for me. Yeah, I've had a couple of clients in the past that do that. So I have small agencies. Yeah, but one now I've had more in the past where I I'll gone, they'll pay me on the hourly rate of. Yeah. And then I'll go through their accounts with them, check everything. Everything's rushing. Right. And that's just the back thing that happens in the background. And they do need to do on the front end with the clients. Yeah. Until you're proficient enough to know how to do it yourself. Yeah, yeah, that's what I was hoping to sort of build up a bit of confidence and experience this and then. Yeah. So that's been all you can do through the ads clinic. Yeah. Where you have, you have those ad accounts. Yeah. And I help you run those out accounts. All right. Okay. So partnership thing. Yeah. Teach you how to do that. So that's essentially what I'm here for you. I teach you everything you need to know about it until you can run those accounts yourself. Okay, but how much do you charge per hour? How much? It's a lot of money or hours or 600 pounds. Let me write that so I don't. It's not too much. I mean, how much is euros? Is charging it? Well, I bought it, so I paid 1300. Yeah. To sort of buy into the agency and that's it. Oh okay. So yeah. And that includes, 300 pounds worth. That is coaching. Okay. So I've not seen that model for this content. Brella local umbrella like a lot though. Yeah. Have a look at it. Yeah. It's based in New York. But do they. Oh, so you just win the clients and pass it over and then 30. Yeah the month. But yeah. So so so that so so basically they run the service and they charge me, the wholesale price. But then I can market up to whatever I want. Okay. So sounds like a good idea. It is a good idea. Where I'm very dubious is what the some accounts are really easy to run and other accounts aren't easy to run. Some accounts, but what I mean by each run, if you go, if you, if you were in the business or someone who's got a really good product and a really good service, you see. Oh, about 11. Yeah. Yeah, I saw that. And I've got clients like this. It was easy. You had a lot more time. So that agency. Yeah I spent a lot more time on some accounts trying to get it right before your clients complaining. Yeah. And then you're going to pass your complaining onto their flat. Onto the agency. Yeah. Yeah. I'm unsure about that model having done a few models in this sector. Yeah, yeah. It's been it's been going quite a long time. So, I'm hoping it work out, but but yeah, for me, it's just a matter of trying to think, Yeah. Who would be a suitable client? Yeah. And and I've got another question for you as an answer expert. Yeah. You know, people talk about niching down and becoming an expert in a certain niche and so on. A niche I'm considering because I'm feeling like maybe Facebook ads, I don't know, this is what you need to tell me. I don't know, this is just what I'm getting the hunch for. Maybe roofers and plumbers and all. I'm sick to death of advertising people. So I was thinking, what about the wedding niche? What do you think about that? Because, say, I want to mention that I get so hammered by, you know, people advertising. Well, I'm thinking about people who do, events, you know, they organize wedding planners. Yeah. Okay. So there is just I've got I've actually got Clyne, who's part of the arts clinic who I taught. I've been teaching them how to run ads for their wedding videography and photography business. Yes, I have some really nice video ads, which again, radius of about, I don't know, 40 miles of where we are and London and then getting leads they're getting leads coming through. So then their leads come through to the website? Yes. The form, they get leads. And in November I know the stock is on one of my sheets. In November they did, 18,500 from six calls. That's 1008 from six calls. Yeah. So they take 18 of them, 29 leads through Facebook. Well, they did 29 needs through Facebook. They had a few more leads that came from Facebook. But they didn't know that for sure because what happened. So you might see the ad and then they Google the company and then they go around to the website, fill in the form, in which case that does an attribute. So let's see, let's say on the fifth they have had 50 leads. Yes, 18 of those turned into a call. And then all those 18 they closed, I think it was six bales, 3,000 pounds each. Think that was right those times. So it's it's pretty it's lucrative. All right then isn't it. Absolutely. You get you get it right. So it's finding it's finding. It's knowing how to run the ads. How to what what content, what is going to be shown to an audience that they can resonate with. Yeah. You can. Yeah. There are industries that make some decent money. You probably want to stay away from that, but there's lots of games stay within gyms. Yeah, a lot of people do dentistry. And. Yeah, yeah. So that agency is specialized in dentistry, weddings and wedding stuff is. Yeah. That's something you could try. I think that's good. That's a good niche. Definitely. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. So I think the gym one that's been Alex almost to death a bit hasn't it. But yeah, he's, he's completely so interested. You say that because he's a definitely a go to. Oh very very no he's very very good. I've been so I, I started in Facebook because I owned the I cover the CrossFit gym and I've been using Facebook. We build that from when we took it over a six members about clothes, and we built that to 80 members in three months, for months. I think Facebook has an a strategy of free trials. But he was starting at about the same time with his gym launch product because I read got advertised by him called fine. But he's a very well. Yeah, he's he really knows his stuff. But essentially everything in his books is the same. Some experts, like I do all the time with. Yes, same books. It's the same way. It's the same thing. It kind of comes down to what your product or service is. Yeah. Someone wants it or not. Reading. Yeah. Yeah. Well, that's really helpful. Thank you for that. Yeah. So we'll jump over to Jamie now. But yes obviously in the group you see the videos. Yeah. Yeah. As possible. Yes. In my lives. So we doing these calls every week. So Jim stop and ask questions. Brilliant. Thanks a lot. Yeah. Yeah. And then you might be interested what Jamie says because damage to young I'm going to stay and see what Jamie says. Okay. Thanks for your patience, Mike. So. Right. No reason. Interesting to hear what she was, talking about. Background in the building side. Hey. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I'm, ex plumbing and heating engineer. When you when you said, oh, I think they've been hammered to death, I had to kind of laugh a little bit there because it's like, I can relate. You've got to run the ads for a, air source heat pump company today I have. Yeah, yeah. So for the last two years I've done edf's, a lot of the lead gen for EDF, for the heat pump side, because I pay my friend's company that we run stuff for. So then we started yesterday and then today started running. So it's, it's just there's everyone out there like Jamie, you know, that there's the people need a plumber all the time is things that always need it. But you've just got to be better than everyone else to bring it through. It's the same as Alex. I know Jim's. There's always been people advertising Jim's, and he just did it better. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, definitely. I think one of the things that was kind of coming to mind as you were talking there, Christine, about what kind of needs to go into is you kind of talking about it like, what's the return on investment for the the people that are running the ads, if they're if their product is low value, that it's probably harder to get the return on investment. Whereas, yeah, not something with a higher value like with the, the weddings. Then they get a sale like they make five grand. Then that's easier isn't it. So yeah. Yeah, yeah. But my question to you, Nick, was obviously we've been running the ad since the last meeting we've had you mentioned about we, we, we, we had a 2% lookalike audience, didn't we, in the frequency was starting to get a little bit high. Yeah. We moved it over to the 7% lookalike and it just went really quiet. Okay. So it was I is that is that because like where you know Facebook's having to learn more about that. So it's so it's funny isn't it. Because you could go down to a six and it fly. Yeah. So the way I think of lookalikes and the way I think of every audience is why you can't think we all get into a thing where we find a favorite. So like, let's say I found out that's why let's say I did. And I for a few clients, I probably always go to an eight. Now that I think that's just pot. Look, until the eight fails for someone else. Yeah. Think the way I think of audiences is, is a is a pocket of data. So you've got your ad which has got an ad ID, so that's complete unique, and it's a tiny little website that shows up in everyone's feet. Okay. It's all you need when that goes live, when you press publish and it goes processing and then it goes active or learning what it's doing, then it's gone and it's finding the first person to reach it reaches that person, that person engages with it, and then it finds more people like that. And then when it finds the next person who might click, you'll find a little lookalike always within the lookalike of people. It clicked, and then someone fills in a lead and they'll do this. So it's always changing. So if you as an experiment, if my work might not work, but I have had this, it's just pop it just how it works. You can relaunch that as a brand new ad just by duplicating the asset to the same audience in my work. Yeah, yeah. It just finds another group of people when it first launches. But so yeah. So the, the 1% is good. I haven't, I haven't been thinking 1% being the best and 10% been the worst for about two years. I just will I just own the number of people in that audience. So the algorithm's really good idea. I don't believe the number 7% audience is failing because 7% audience is fighting. I just think that I've launched to a the wrong group of people with the audience. Yeah. Right. Again it would work. And I was I guess that was the the question I had for you was obviously the 2% was like you were getting the book and every day, you know, it was like, this is great. And then it's got to the point where they, they're they're obviously no longer wanting to push it to more people and showing it again and again. If I was to kind of turn that off and then duplicate and then republish, is it that it would go, I'd go and find more people and start from zero and go again and again and again? Yeah, essentially. Yeah. That's what I thought. Yeah. Okay. That's useful tonight. And then obviously we supposed to work. By the way. It's not like a guarantee. But yeah I do that and I do that in massive amounts. Yeah all the time. It runs out. And the creative fatigue I'm like, well that's been like my winner for like two months. I'm just going to duplicate it and publish it. I know, just not to get on that audience. You might want to put like a big account. Oh, we put in excluding the leads that came through in the first place. Yeah. So when the account gets they usually exclude the leads depending on what you're doing. This leads you and you don't want to make the same phone calls again. So yeah. Cause and work okay. That's that's worth nine. Are you staring at your ads manager stuck on how to make your ads perform? Come and join the ads clinic, a series of one on one consultancy calls where we dive into your own ads manager and see where we can turn your ads into a profit making machine. It all starts with a 30 minute free consultation call. Sign up now at the Ads clinic. RT.com. And I guess the other question is, obviously that that one that we were on was set up for purchases. Yeah. And within that, you know, we had a couple of videos, right. We've, I guess the question I'm trying to get to, where is what content is for which strategy. So we were talking about doing like the retarget and like the Omni eight as you put it. Yeah. What what content should be in there versus what should be in like the initial let's go for a purchase type of strategy. What, what you think the end goal is for the person? The H1 so, I mean, your Legion is to get someone, you get someone's details who might be interested. Cool. Sorry, mate. Yeah, yeah. The purchase of the purchase is to get your the booking of the second appointment, and then the lead is to get them added to a waiting list. That's it. I think the only a concern both. Yeah. Because it's focused on what your product is isn't that of different types of things that that you don't know what's going to resonate. Yeah. The only it's there to sort of like I did it for a clinic yesterday and he has his clinic does low testosterone levels, you know, get tested because you're feeling fatigued or, you know, you can't lose weight. You might be bloated, nurse and need functional medicine and stuff, but he has people coming from all sorts of things. So as I was building the Omni and he completely left it to me, didn't he didn't even want to check. And I was just like, you know what? What are you doing? Just do it. I was thinking exactly what you're thinking. So it's like, what if what if someone sees this? He was coming in for, like, wanting to lose weight, but then they see. What about testosterone levels? I was thinking I came to then I was like, I don't mind. I think it's just going to I think we can get too far into it now. I thinking if it was, if we were Argos and it was like you've looked at a toaster and then you see stuff which has nothing to do with toasters that can be kind of wrong. But I think in thinking what you're doing, if they're coming in is going to light, that's all they're going to come in and actually book that appointment and pay the deposit. All the stuff I could say it'd be fine. So I would utilize that. The Omnia to do both everything. Yeah. So anyone who's looked at becoming a lead and go in that direction will look to become a purchase and go in that direction, build an audience of both, which is going to give a bigger audience, build an omni omelet and just like put a pound a day on less than that 50 pay if you can go over that money and the day. Yeah, yeah, okay. Just keep it in circulation. It's just about keeping you in their feeds. Yeah. I'm with you. Yeah. So I am open to share my screen. Yeah. Okay. What you selling again, Jeremy? This is my other half business. She, she basically creates, like, a three, like a statue of pregnant ladies. So she's. If you're pregnant, you'll go to her. So take loads of pictures with a camera, and then that then gets to it, like 3D printed into a miniature statue of, like, exactly how they are as a pregnant person. Oh, wow. Check it out on Instagram. It's called it's called Belly Print UK pricing. But yeah. So so basically within like the purchase obviously this would be the foot at the minute. This is like the first kind of videos that people will see, right. Yeah. And then within here, I've added a couple more videos in as well because to try and combat this, this like the frequency. Oh yeah. Yeah. It's going up a bit isn't it. Yeah. I area that's because of the location isn't it. Yeah. And like, we just kind of got scared and turned off the 7% on my back to 2% because it's like we were get bookings into this one. That's fine. No. Absolutely. Go like go where it is. You just know the audience is going to saturate quicker. That's the only thing that's it. Yeah. Exactly. So we've just got these two very these are kind of like long form videos like 49 seconds. But it's like a it's like she's a big on TikTok and she come in, it's like, oh, come with me and check me out and I will do this and that. And you know, the video. So it's quite it was quite effective when we've done it before. So we've brought it in. So I'm thinking, okay, well this is, this works for the initial kind of, oh what's this type of thing. Yeah. And when it then goes into which we haven't got yeah I haven't done it properly yet, but let's say it fell into here. This is, this would be the, you know, the Omnia on the cheaper, cheaper kind of thing. Yeah. What's what should it be. Should it be static image of. Is that in your same ad set though. Is that is that a different ad set or is it a different campaign? This is, the only I, this is a I haven't even tried looking at setting it up. I just feel. Okay. Fine. Just just for hypothetically, we'll just say that this would be when you do the on the A, make sure it's an awareness campaign. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Sound. Yeah. So let's just say that this is the Omni Eight's an awareness campaign. So we've got the new ads. Yeah. The ad kind of it. Would it be the same videos as they've already seen can be. Yeah. We know I think with this it's like an email. Like people just don't see the stuff all the time. I think as advertisers we are always on the thing of they saw it. So I can't do again. Like the we see the how many times we see the same things on social and we still engage with that. Or we go, oh, see that? Alex allows that he's doing one at the moment. Okay, so school is doing like a school. The school challenge, I get it loads of times. I've seen it loads of times, but it's only this morning I started engaging with it, not too clicked. Yeah, I, I wouldn't worry about that when you do this on the A, the A is a ad set. It's not a ads. Yeah, yeah. All right. So the video says ad set one video, one asset, two video to stack like that with a budget for each of the ad sets. About like a quid. Yeah, you do it. If you do one ad set and then the ads, it will still go into the whole thing. I don't want it to. I want it to guarantee it's going to show out to the audience. Oh yeah, I see what you do in that. Yeah, that makes sense. So yeah, we're going to book him with you soon anyway. But you know, yeah, you're like, let's not jump on and you know, and ask the question because it's been something that's kind of it was on my mind. I was I was up late last night fiddling around and off. It was. Yeah, I know that's why. That's why I wanted to do this. Because as I have the same thing, it's just like trying to figure things out as well, which helps, you know, just answer the question. Yeah. Because you don't know what you're doing is right or wrong. And obviously it's not my money. It's it's her money, really. And it's like, if I get this wrong, then, you know, it's going to be a good it's still doing alright though. For we, last time we were there, you were getting those bookings agents and averaging a booking every day or the day I that was it. Yeah, yeah. That book in the end and everything else. So that's great you know. And it's going to do the advertising. Yeah. That's it. That's a great place isn't that. Yeah. Yeah. So so Jeremy, can I ask you how much you're spending per day on your ads? And, so we, we've been spending about 20 pound a day, 20 pounds a day, and you've got a booking every single day for 20 pounds. Yeah. Yeah. That's good, isn't it. Yeah. We'd like to book a is really good. Yeah. You know it's in profit. That's where you're getting greedy aren't you. Yeah. This one a day. That must be, how much does it cost for a service? And, well, the booking itself is 50 pounds for the scan appointment. And then you sell the. They choose a statue and the average kind of, money left. And that is between on top of the 50 pound, between 80 and 100 pounds ish. So that's good. Then it's good. Return on your 20 pounds per day, isn't it? Yeah. That's it exactly. But, obviously it works now and then. I'm worried about it dipping off and then it no longer works. And then it's like that the return is going to be factored in over a long period of time, hasn't it? I think, yes. We have all those drop offs. I mean, the guy I was with my the clinic, you know, he, he spends, 2000 a week now. But he gets great results. You know, he's at work up to that. We all have to start somewhere. Boom. It dropped off a cliff like last Tuesday. We're on the phone till we get we. You know, he's in the clinic, but he's got no he has like it done for you. So he pays a bit more and we we do it for in the back end, but we still have our calls. And he's like I'll leave like I calendar's like. And by emptying. Yeah like probably like, well we need to figure this out. I ended up when I looked at all the accounts from Wednesday until Sunday last week, all my accounts dropped off leaves and dropped off. E-commerce got expensive, and sometimes the platform just has a massive blip. I don't know is it was funny how it was the same time that Trump was doing all the stuff. Tick tock was stopping and I think the whole platform's just. Yeah, lots of factors. You know, I suppose you can look at it like things like, forex trading or whatever, like, you know, there's, there's something that happens that just makes things dip off and it happens to everything at the same time is always the trend. I when I obviously I've got access to a lot of accounts and it all happens and you know, we were like, what's going on? Oh, you just have to sort of just feed out maybe low budgets a bit. Yeah. My guess is the end of January and Christmas was last month, so a lot of people may have stopped, you know, spent all that money and trying to catch up on everything else. So the good thing is you you haven't found that, though. You if you're still getting a booking a day and it's still being yeah, she's still been getting the bookings and followers and stuff like that, but I'm just like, we could we do this cheaper. That's the thing, right? Because if I share my screen again, is it also what else you're doing Jamie of like, so where else could you start looking to acquire customers of the people who are clicking through? Is there a way we can get you doing the Legion? So like when someone booked onto my at like, okay, so you have two things, you all go, okay, I'm interested in speaking to Nick on a 30 minute call. The first thing I do is take their details before they book the call. So if they don't put the call, I've then created an email list. So for your business, how many people are coming through in the last three four months let's say that have got so far but then didn't continue. So if you look at that and go well that's 1500 people, then it's like okay what could we do in that process to get details of those 15 to people? Yeah, I don't know the time. I mean, I think I'll get the guest videos is a short window for once I was given birth. You're out that on you is too late. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No there is that. And also the, the, it's quite a short window and they don't realize they want it until the last minute typically. So it's still has to be done there and then, you know. But that's what I'm saying. Like the, you know, the website leads, I think it's cheaper and been more effective to get them on a waiting list. Are they converting off that waiting list then? So we've we actually had a, a basically. So the waiting list for Manchester pop up has the space has six spaces. We basically filled that up with some purchases and some through the waiting list. The next one's coming up, not next month but the month after. But we've got like 11 people in there already, right? Ready to go. So that's yet to be open to then save coming in. Let's get you booked in. Yeah. But so I haven't fully tested it yet but okay. So I think what you need to do now I can send this over. I'm going to show you, I'm going to show you a sheet. And I think this is what we can discuss this on the next call. So I think this would be good for you to see this. So I'll stop sharing my screen. Yeah, you stop sharing. You let me share mine. This really helps you to look at things as a business. And this is the American guy. He's just doing so. Well, I'm. I'm I'm always sharing this one. Right. So week 12345. Now I do in my aspect ideas by month. I might start doing it by week. But he does anyway because it's been so hard. So first week 2000. So you would do you would you could do one of these under each other, one for purchases and one for leads. And then you can actually start seeing how they work towards each other. So you leader in here. So I want you to show me that 11. So that's how the leader in here, he's then turning to discovery. Cool. So that's they come in for a lead. He does the same as me. He takes their email address, name and telephone number. And then the next page is book calendar. Cool. So he's collecting these ones as well. 18 of those calendar calls and then he tries to close them on. If you obviously would get deposit he he gets a sale 3000. But you can see each week how we start focusing on different areas. So his lead, his lead booking is the same as mine was only 27%. So there's a lot of wasted leads not commercial call. We then change that this stuff to the landing page that went up to 62. We've had Christmas time so it's changed a bit, but now it's going back up a back up to 52 again. And then you can see his revenue in this, this last 20 years old. He's doing 18.5 grand, by from this thing. But you can start seeing what your return on investment is down here. So if you start going on this week by week, then you can start seeing, right. We've got that going. We've got purchases coming in as one part of a funnel, and then we've got leads coming out another one. But when you start looking at leaves, if you off for a couple months, start looking at these bits and going, well this is a revenue's coming out of the leaves. You might end up thinking we don't need our purchase campaign, or if it's in profit, you don't get rid of that. But you might go we start putting lows more money into this waiting list. Because that's what once on the waitlist, we're seeing them close. Yeah, yeah. And you could, but when you have, when you have it written down like this, you can make you can make really it's really clear and easy to see how the funnels working because all we care about is line three, line five, line four and then line 13. Yeah, 13 down like hair right down to nine. Now I know about happened because we had to lower our spend on wait ten. So this was such a good month because we spent more on week nine, had loads more leads, had double the amount of calls and the revenue came in seven days later. Yeah, yeah. But then because we dropped it down by what, 800. Yeah. We then halved our revenue. Yeah. So that, so we, we learned a lesson that let's say. Yeah. And I just goes to show doesn't it. So just one more thing that if you don't mind me asking it. Yeah. Each time is it worth is it worth giving it a go because of the, because of the wide window being, let's say, nine months? I mean, it's more like ten months, but nine months, right? Somebody might be, I don't know, two months pregnant. They see it and then I. Oh that's. Do I want that now or not. I don't really know. But looks pretty cool. They're not ready to purchase now right. So is is the purchase strategy. Maybe it's obviously it's all in profits. That's fine. But is it better to be more like on like on awareness for the initial kind of you know, the first touch points, should we call it and then that, then if they watch the video over a certain time, drop into the on the eight and then, then we'll kind of we're going to nurture them now for the next seven months until they get to the point where it's like, now, now we'll go for it. And then maybe it's like we've got three different levels to this follow, right? So they're being pushed down the funnel to then hit the purchase later on. That's exactly right. And that's what the Omnia is good for because if you went into a normal retargeting and and put it on a, as a leader objective as a retarget campaign, thanks. Was just going to be bang, bang, bang, bang, bang and it's going to be expensive to run that. Which is why if you create an audience of people who've clicked to your website and have watched footage and then you put them of the way and you use an awareness campaign objective for anomaly eight, but go into that specific audience. It's just carries on, said, you know, trying to get them. Because the saying I've always gone by from a sales point of view is, you never know when someone's going to buy. You just need to remind them and be that when they decide to buy, because your products got a slightly higher ticket price, they might need to save up all sorts of. And it's amazing how, something just takes that time and then you need to be reminded of that. Like, my memory's so bad. But if I'm reading, if I see that happened this week. So my ads this week came from I got into bad. I was waiting for my girlfriend Georgia to eat and all that sort of stuff. So I looked at Instagram. I saw an ad that really is nothing to do what I do, but it looked great. It was just a text static ad. Yeah, and it was bright red. Easy to read, good CTA and I thought, that looks cool. It's like done like a testimonial is my not my nothing mate of Christine. I think was the ad that you came through us which said, no, it was like written green background. It says, I wish that was I wish there was a platform out there that I could get how to videos and get online things. And then it said, you, you thought before you saw this ad, click here to join. And that's what brought you interesting because I know that was timing. I literally had to go like bad screenshot into my photos. I then had to do a voice now to say you've screenshotted something, and at seven I am sorry. Can you remind me to look at my photos to be able to? Not. If I hadn't had that reminder, I wouldn't have built that ad and Christine wouldn't be here. Yeah. So if you think of that mentality of how busy we are in life, especially a woman who's pregnant, who's hormones are all over the place. You've got to be in her face. And the thing is you I think it's where yours is good when you get it if you haven't already, when you get it right as a funnel and content and the repetitiveness of it, you yours is a perfect product made to make woman got got on. There's so much you know husband comes but I really want that. I really want that. We'll have the rest of our lives on the mantelpiece and we'll say, you know, this is the most beautiful time of my life. If you get into that, you need to get into that emotional side of a pregnant woman. And if you crack the hook, what are all the hooks or whatever that is? You could sell those all day long. I agree, I that's why I said to Jacqui, like that's exactly what happened. She came to me and said, I want it, I need it. And it's like, oh well, we can't get it in the UK. Well, I'll guess we'll go to Holland then. And then when I see now is all we could, we should be able to sell this all day long. Yeah. And we, we then said bring it over and then it's like oh actually we're not selling any. Yeah. So like I think the advertising fuels is quite other I mean it's just reflecting because but you know, like on TikTok it's TikTok creators who are affiliates. Do you guys understand how well that's working on TikTok and the TikTok shop? Kind of in the chat, I know, but I don't have no, I've never had anything to do with it. Investigating at the moment. I'm actually going to start doing a little bit to understand how it works way more, because these guys making fortunes. So you got TikTok shop and that's you selling your product. So you could you could put your product on TikTok shop, okay. And then you would get affiliates to sell that product for you. And you give them a commission. So if they sold it, if and then but what's what's happening is they're becoming really good at becoming advertisers. So like they'll go, oh my God. So is the the content would be something like, oh my God. When I was pregnant I went to belly fat and I got this amazing sculpture made and it's exactly like I was. It's complete. The took photos of me, blah blah, blah. I think that sort of stuff, if you go right, I could go completely viral with pregnant women. Yeah, easily. So having them go back to your site and go and I think obviously a lot of them would be out because of the price point, because I think you got to get. But the same thing. I think it's one of those things that I think pregnant women would find a way to get the money to buy your product. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. I mean, it's it's not that expensive when you think about it, you know, but it's just pulling on the emotional heartstrings of you've got one opportunity. If you don't do this, you'll never be able to get that model again. Ever. Yeah. Yeah. I think you go down that scarcity route, email. Yeah. Email marketing. You could even try some Scott scarcity on your retargeting. Okay. Don't leave it too long. We won't run out the time run out to get it. We won't run out. But you will. Your time will run out if you don't do this now and get the pictures. You won't be able to do this once you've given birth. Yeah, I really go down that route, which that probably sounds like a hard business, but, yes. Have you got any have you got any good content is in your business. That's Alan. Yeah. So, Olivia should be back. She's come back from maternity leave, actually, so she'd be back in March. But it's whether you're, it's it's just like when I write content and copy for my clients, and avoid, you know, is the agency is a paid service as well in the agency. It's just really about getting into it. And it is it's just a form of of what's what's the call out. What's the value of what's the CTA. Yeah. But your, your heart yours. Yeah I think it's a great one. Yeah. That's I mean you look excited about it and I look at it. Right. And I think you could literally peer upon it. Yeah. Yeah. That's the thing by the time I get to that. But it's I'm doing all of this stuff at the end of my working day for my own business. So by the time I get that I'm a brains burn out and I'm like, I still your next call, why don't we spend some time brainstorming some copy? Yeah, it's this is sort of mode. And we'll do all the things that we need to do and then get a couple of examples done, then walk into chat to beauty and say, right, chat. Here's an example. So I want you to give me ten more. Yeah. And then it speeds up the process up so much. And then you can do a bit of a test. So what we could do is do a bit of set up a bit of a testing thing, very cheap. I'm doing this for that medical company that was doing it today. Right. And copy. So we do is we do a traffic campaign to test copy. Yeah. Do the purchase campaigns expensive to test. We take a tenner a day. Not even that a fiver a day. We get five headlines. So you use your winning copy, I show you a winning ad. We cut, we we get that, we do an ad set for each. We put the ad in there, and then we just write a different headline or look at the top of each other on the actual copy, which could be time's running out, you know, that sort of stuff. Yeah. And then you, you run a traffic campaign, and as soon as each one gets to about 4000 impressions, you stop it. Yeah. You look at the click through rates and you'll find some will be like 5% click through rate compared to another one, which might be one, but we know the ones on the way. So even this traffic campaign, which we wouldn't use to get purchases or leads, but but human beings are still seeing the ads and if it's getting clicks, we'll take the high click through rate ones and put them as test them into an actual purchase campaign. Got. Yeah, that might make sense, mate. Well, I will, you know, get the call booked in as soon as we can anyway. Yeah, you got my calendar. So that's all sorted out? Yeah. Well, today, mate, that's crucial. So. Yeah, let me see Jamie. Let me see Christine. Same degree. Yeah. It's every Thursday and they'll get as long as I need to be included in that. Okay. From there. Brilliant. Thanks. Right. Okay. So, guys. Oh, thanks very much. And would you mind if, this. I wanted to put the claws into the the group of previous calls like this. Would you mind going into the class for the people to learn from? No. It's fine, I don't mind, I don't mind, I don't think there's obviously just if there's any personal data on what must be the wild. Wild is it will go past my team first game and we'll look at if we can see body print all that gets blocked out. So less pregnant ladies are going to see it and think, oh, what's belly print ever? No. Never. No. Imagine schools got like 10,000 people watching or something. There's always there. Where are these all just coming from. That right. It's not tears. Then take care. Nice to meet you, Christine. And you and I. Thank you for joining us again today. If you want to find out more, please head over to our socials at Let's Run Social, where we share daily content. And please feel free to drop us a message. We'd love to hear from you and any questions that you would like answered. We can do that here on the podcast.