Lets Run Facebook Ads: The Podcast

How To Test Headlines on a Low Budget

Nick Boddington Season 1 Episode 150

In this episode of Let’s Run Facebook Ads with Nick Boddington, discover how to test and refine ad headlines without breaking the bank. Nick shares proven methods for running low-budget tests that deliver high-impact results, helping you identify winning creatives and boost your Meta ad performance. Learn budget-friendly strategies for A/B testing, optimising headlines for engagement, and scaling successful campaigns efficiently. Whether you’re managing e-commerce ads or lead generation campaigns, this episode equips you with practical tips to get the most out of every pound spent on Meta Ads.


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Welcome to Let's run Facebook ads with me, Nate Boddington. This podcast is your go to for mastering Facebook ads. As you know, success doesn't stop at the ad itself. We all dive into everything from funnels and e-commerce to email marketing, lead generation and more. If you're ready to take your skills to the next level, check out my new school platform@school.com. The ads clinic. Inside you'll find how to videos and live drop in clinic calls where you can ask your Facebook questions and get the answers you need to grow your business. And lastly, if you enjoy the podcast, it would mean the world to me if you would subscribe to the channel. It's the best way to help the podcast grow and keep bringing you valuable content every week. Let's get on with the podcast. So how do we do a test, right? Well, if you've watched any of my content and you know me at all, I will always say to you, if you go and create a new campaign and you're using anything but sales or leads, then you're entirely mad and you are not going to get any success from Facebook advertising. Fact. But on this occasion we are going to use traffic. And that's because we are not using this traffic campaign to get purchases or sales or leads. We are using this to test. And the reason we're doing that is because traffic is based upon link clicks just down here. And if you get a link link it means you get a click through rate. So if we're going to get a high click through rate on a particular headline, we're going to take that logic. And then when we build it into a lead or sales campaign, we have already tested with human beings on the platform who are seeing your ad as normal in their feed. They're reading the headline and it's making them click. The best headline is going to get used in our actual campaign, where we're optimizing to get leads or purchases. It's that simple. So let's start off with what we're doing, and I'll show you one that we did last week. And you can see here if I go into the maximum spend, not a lot of money was spent on this. So what did we spend. £59. And you can see here we've got our same video. And you might have seen this on the internet. On the, on the Insta. How do I sound. We might see this on the social feeds. This one's just gone live. So the ads free ad review. Fix this, fix this. Now, stop losing sales. If you're using traffic as you're wasting money. Stop. You're using the wrong Facebook ads objective. So you can see this is the test. Now, I've let all these get to about 3000 impressions. Reach. Sorry. Reach 3000 people. Around about 3000 impressions. So everyone's only seen this once. And if I go along here, you can see how I've written these out. So I've got each one is exactly the same. Nothing changes. The only thing that's different is on the video. And I think if I can make my brain go back to actually, like three days ago, I think there is not even any text. No, there's no text. And my only headline is, oh, there's not even a headline. This is literally just to bring you in. All I want to do is test out this so everything's the same and we are just testing that hook. Okay. So these are all pretty good hooks actually because you can say it's all working really, really well. My CPM is nice and low. And you can see here the click through rate. So if I go through to CTR click through. You can see here stop. You're using the wrong ad objective to an up 2.04 compared to fix this. Now stop losing sales which you could look at and go that's still good 1.46. So I want to focus on these two as my winners. Make sense? Nice. Let's go build it. So we're going to go into create. And we're going to choose traffic campaign. And we're going to continue where we're always going to go to manual because we want to make sure that we're getting all the things correct. And we're going to call this, headline or hook test, okay, depending on what you can. This could be a headline. It can be a primary text hook. You could whatever you wanted to test, just label it that. So we can do this hook test on the video. Like so we're going to go down and we're not going to turn any of this on. We don't want to be using an advantage campaign budget because we're going to test. Each one is going to have its own say for three 5 pounds a day ad set level. So we know that it's organic, because what if we did if we put it here, each one which was spending a £20 a day and then Facebook would decide which one would win. And that's not what we're trying to do. It's not say that wouldn't work, but I want to know, over the course of a couple of days with people going to bed, waking up and saying this things, things do change that. I want to see what actually is coming through as a winner. Okay, so we got a hook test. The off we go to next. Now, even on this one I'm not too bothered about the audience. So I'm going to keep this broad. Broad meaning there's no interest overlay. But we are going to go 25 to 50 because I want to make sure I'm hitting people who are doing this kind of thing. It's all t automatic. For some reason we got not cool. So we want to make sure that's website traffic because we're sending it to our school. Maximize number of link clicks. That's what we want. Don't creative. That's disappeared. We're not going to have that. And this is going to be set to £3 a day. This asset is going to be three quarter day. We don't need to. You could set an end if you want to. Just be careful. You could just go right. We going to start this I want to make sure it switches off on the seventh just in case you're busy. You're out of office and you don't have a chance to get into it. So we're going to come down to audience controls. Now in here we can go audience suggestion and we can go in here. And let's just make this, 25 to 50. Like so. No targeting if you can, if you want to. We don't need to, we want people to see this are the only people are going to click this out of the people who it resonates with. Now this is ad one, right? So if we go I don't see iPhone five I now switch back to here. We're going to take this one as our first. And we're going to stick that in there okay. Struggling with Facebook has joined our community. Now. Let's say actually we're not going to do that at all because I've just realized that I'll go to upload the videos and they haven't got those hooks on. So that's how I wrote it. They're not the ones we're going to use, but that's how you will use it, right? Get help jump tube to do this. We're going to go in here. Any changes to the ads clinic that that should automatically change. But it doesn't. So we're going to change. That's the that's clinic. There we go. So we're going to go down here. We're going to keep it to single. We're going to turn off multi advertiser ads. And then we're in the creative setup. Now we need to make sure this going to right place. So I'm going to literally open the school. Here. Right. So we're going to take that URL because that's where I want people to go. Now if you're not logged in as me this URL will bring you to the if you want to go for that, let's take it to invite, which is copy. This is our about page. When someone comes to it, state this in here about right. So we go to our creative. Now it's going to bring up an area to create set up text to media. Now I want to make sure this is something it's really buggy. It brings in a catalog. And that will be one of my other clients catalog. So if you're running other clients ads you don't mind that. So I'm going to disconnect that. We're going to go through the text I'll come and do the text in a second. We'll go to the media. I'm going to choose one of the video. So here we go. So let's choose this one. Stop. All right. So I'm going to bring that through just with that check that everything's fine here. Yeah. We want to turn off all optimizations. I like to turn on and off again just to make sure it gets rid of everything. Click here. Look at catalog items. We don't that and then other because the little ones I've hidden they're really bad. So always make sure it's off and then decide what you want to do. I always keep them off to be fair. Right. There's our media. So this ad here is stop. You're using the wrong Facebook because you have to stop. You're using the wrong right looks. You would make this obviously a lot neater. So here and then the headline would be it doesn't even really matter about the headline. But like, sign up today. Join today. Yeah. Each one's going to have exactly this time. We don't want to make any difference on this. I'm not going to put any text in. Now, if you were going to text test the text, then you could if your video didn't have any writing or you're using a static, then you test your text here. Sorry. Let's imagine that let's just do this one. You would test it here. So the only thing they're saying is that there. So imagine this is a static get rid of those variations. Now you can say so struggling with the Facebook ads? Join our free community. That would be your hook. That would be what you're testing because you could be testing. If I was to get rid of this one, let's put a nice image. This is what I'm actually testing. The moment went live today actually. So let me know if you see these. But this was like this kind of right. Next skip the I exist absolute rubbish. Through to here. There we go. So you could this is like similar to the test I've been doing this morning struggling with Facebook ads during our free expert community. There you go. So what about that? Okay, so let's do this one actually let's do this. So there's our image and there's our. Creative and image and copy. Let's change that. So change a slight change of direction guys. So then we can at least keep all this in stock. So we can use a couple of these and build them into here okay. So we've now built this we want to go through to make sure all the we want to do join today. But there isn't a join today at we a sign up. Yeah. There we go. So we can sign up. We don't have any of that going to that website. We don't want that. We don't want to call, say, all these little things, automations, which we have to be careful and we want to we want website events. So there's our website events and there we go. So let's test that out. Right. So there we have we have our first test ready to go but we want to test five. So all we're going to do here is going to go back up to broad. We're going to name this now broad. And it's going to be that one. Now if you are if you know you were going to test, you could actually just type that out because they're all going to be same audience. So now we've created our first Add okay. Now to do the testing. Remember three three day parade. We're going to go into the asset level. I'm going to quickly duplicate it. Now that is brought through everything exactly the same. But we don't want everything exactly the same. We want to change the headline. So we go into the add bit of a new one. We know what's on you want because at the end it will say on this you'll say copy. So until we've updated it keep on copy. Go into the add list. Take on new headline which is this one second one down. Number two here and put that in there. Replace that. Make sure it says number two as well. Now that rename this. And then you have to just remember where you are. Because if you got distracted by your partner saying do you want a cup of tea, you might forget that you haven't actually changed this back. Remember, this is what we're testing. So that one is struggling with Facebook ads. Let's go between them. Now we've got one and two, one struggling. Facebook has joined our community. Two Facebook has not working. Everything else has stayed the same. Just this has changed. Build number three go through here. There's our number three created. It's come across as number two because obviously it's just duplicated it. We go into here we take tired of wasting money on ads. Change to the front. Change to the next one. Number three change the heading. Go down. Change the headline on the primary tab. Sorry, the primary text. There we go. Tired of wasting money out. So now you can say this is easy. Do another one. But we don't need to because it's easy. So I think you're getting the gist of what's going on here. We've now created a hook test using a traffic campaign. We've now got one ad set labeled struggling with Facebook ads and the actual ad struggle with Facebook ads. We've got the page and the Instagram account we're going to send this to. We have got everything switched off, we've got our image and we've just got primary text, which is the title of the whole test. And I've joined today. Each one of these build one and then you change quickly. Duplicate ad, set number two, quickly duplicate ad, set number three. You could go on and you could do 20 if you wanted. It all depends on how much, how many you've got, what budget you're going to spend. So at the moment we've got three, six, nine. We spent 9 pounds a day. So quite easily we could do another one. Tell you what your budget is and let's grab number four. So for. It so right. So now we've got four. We're going to put that in here Facebook used to have this but this would expand and it doesn't anymore. It's a little bit buggy. It's real pain. So I'm I'm actually texting. It cuts off real time. Make sure these don't switch on these AI things which are just literally the most annoying thing in the world. You do get some good ones, but we're not. If we take these on, we're going to be testing them so we don't we don't. We're already testing what we want to test. So there we go. We've got four. Now you can come back into campaign publish. I'm on actually running this test. Actually, I think I will. So we've now got that there and we've got our hook test. So I can relabel this just so I know what it is. Her test lead. Sorry. This isn't sorry. Wrong on one's. Actually, it's not that one sake. Is this one here? Hook test traffic. Join school so we know what it is. Gosh, look at my writing. Join school. Publish. Now, that is now going to go into review as a as you can see it has. And now we've got ads set level and ads. We don't have to go. We can go in either or both exactly the same. That one just has the image on. It's now processing. We are now putting to work a test to see which one of these. Everything's the same. We want to test which of these works. I'm now going to carry on running the test because I want to know what works, because I might use the winner on I will use the winner. And then once that's been done, we can then rebuild that and bring it into a lead gen. So you could take the winning one, build it into a lead gen campaign and actually get it to send people for real to my school, log in to sign up here. Nice and easy. And that's your really quick, low budget way of testing your hooks, headlines, whatever you want in testing, even just create whatever it is. It's a nice, easy way cheaply to test rather than because if you were to do the test based on a lead or sales, it would cost you a lot of money based on the objective. I hope that helps. If you want any more tips tricks, here's my classroom. This is the this is where you go. So you get a whole section on dropping past, dropping clinics, past live sessions like this, all my, sorry lessons like this. How to lessons. What's the actually about? You know, if you wanted to get the consultants, go to the consultancy and have one on one with me or a member of my team, this is it. So if you found this interesting, like what you saw, jump on here, sign up and I'll see you in there. Thank you very much. And have a good day. Thank you for joining us again today. If you want to find out more, please head over to our socials at Let's Run Social, where we share daily content and please feel free to drop us a message. We'd love to hear from you and any questions that you would like answered. We can do that here on the podcast.